Sunday 22 March 2015

Project Bluebeam: the Government Will Engineer a False Flag Supernatural Alien Invasion

Project Blue Beam is a highly controversial conspiracy theory. Originally proposed by Canadian journalist Serge Monast in 1994, it holds that the New World Order will use advanced holographic technology in order to create a false flag alien invasion and/or a worldwide religious "awakening" in order to achieve servitude by the masses and acceptance of a one world government and religion and possibly depopulation efforts as well.

There are supposedly 4 parts to the implementation of Project Blue Beam. These stages include:

~The dissolution of major religions due to archaeological discoveries disproving them.
~A holographic "space show" in which deities and aliens appear as our overlords (it is not clear how these two would coexist).
~Telepathic Electronic Two Way Communication, via ELF(Extra Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), and LF (Low Frequency) waves, whereby people will think they are being spoken to by the new true God or extraterrestrial overlords.
~Use of worldwide microchips to fabricate horrifying supernatural events that will make people desperate for the New World Order.

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