Sunday 22 March 2015

Smell: The plant that smells like rotting flesh

A port-a-potty, burning hair, a skunk, the band's dirty clothes after a P-Funk concert in the 1970's…what could be smellier and emit a funkier odor than these nemesis' of the nostrils?

How about the Rafflesia arnoldii? Not only is this one of the world's smelliest plants, but it also produces the largest individual flower in the world! The Rafflesia is also nicknamed the Corpse Flower and with good reason – the odor from the flower smells like rotting flesh. Anything that foul attracts flies and the insects do their part to help pollinate the plant, ensuring its survival. The flower's rotten smell comes from the reddish tentacle-like, branched ramentae, inside the corolla of petals.

Don't judge a flower by its scent though. The plant is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia, where it is a protected species and produces a rather cool looking bloom, which can be up to 3 feet in diameter.

Sounds like a perfect flower for zombies!

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