Monday 24 August 2015

The disgruntled employee who stole Groucho Marx's remains and left them at a different cemetery

After the lovable and iconic comedian Groucho Marx died in 1977, his remains were placed at Eden Memorial Park in Mission Hills, California. In May 1982, his ashes were stolen from a sealed crypt and were found later that day at the gates of Mount Sinai Memorial Park in Burbank, about 12 miles away. The kidnapper — or, in this case, ash-napper — has never been caught, but questions remain. Why were Marx's ashes stolen and who was the culprit? An obsessed fan looking for the ultimate souvenir? A ghoulish opportunist planning to make a ransom demand, then changing his mind? Or simply someone who thought the comedian should be buried at a more high-profile location closer to Hollywood?

Rumor has it (though we don't know for sure), an employee of the cemetery, angry that he was fired, pried the cover off Groucho's niche and stole his urn. He brought it to Burbank in part because Groucho had once said, “I would never be caught dead in Burbank.” 

Whatever the reason, management at the cemetery responded to the incident by moving Marx's remains to a more remote location in a room inside the mausoleum, and installing security monitoring devices throughout. They have since been reluctant to give out the exact location of any of their more famous residents.

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