Monday 24 August 2015

The mysterious grave robbers who stole the hands of Juan Perón

In 1976, former Argentinian president Juan Perón's coffin was placed in the Perón family tomb in Chacarita Cemetery, located in the Chacarita ward of the city of Buenos Aires. Thirteen years later, the Peronist Justicialist Party received an anonymous letter claiming Perón's hands had been removed from his tomb along with his army cap and sword. The letter demanded the party pay an $8 million (U.S.) ransom for their return. 

Authorities checked Perón's tomb, to find that it had indeed been broken into, and the hands and other items had been removed, including a poem written to him by his last wife, Isabel. 

Vicente Saadi, the head of the Justicialist Party, refused to pay the ransom. After a criminal investigation, six men were arrested, and five arraigned. However, no one was ever charged in relation to the incident, and the hands were never recovered. 

There is evidence that the theft had some official support, as the robbers used a key to access the tomb. Many involved in the criminal investigation have since died under mysterious circumstances.

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