Tuesday 3 June 2014


In this tutorial, you will learn to draw a conceptual graphic combining the USB drive and a pen.
Draw this path with pen tool :-

Select convert to point tool and adjust the nodes as shown :-

Create a new layer, press control+enter to create a selection of the path and fill the selection with #B1B1B1 color :-

Create a new layer above the first one and select 30 point soft feather brush. Draw a white color line :-

Reduce the opacity of this layer to 19%

Draw this path :-

Adjust the nodes as shown :-

Create a selection of the path, create a new layer and fill the selection with #B3B3B3 color.

Apply these layer styles in it :-

Image after applying above layer styles :-

Now, draw this shape. Use #B7B7B7 color to fill the shape :-

Draw a black color block with rectangle tool :-

Create a new layer and draw this dark gray color line with 2 pixel brush :-

Now, duplicate the layer and apply color overlay (right click on its layer name in layer pallate, select blending options and select color overlay) and set the color to white or draw another white color line above the first line after creating a new layer :-

Erase the upper and lower part of the line with eraser :-

Draw this dark gray color shape. Also add a white color line in it :-

Create a new layer and draw a selection with rectangular marquee tool. Use midium gray to white gradient to fill the selection. I have also added noise (filter>noise>add noise amount 2-4 pixel) in it :-

Draw two blocks with rectangle tool :-

Create a new layer and draw a selection with polygonal lasso tool. Feather radius should be 0 while drawing a selection :-

Fill the selection starting with medium to dark gray color with linear gradient :-

Similarly, draw another selection and fill it with gradient. Do not forget to create a new layer before creating and filling the selection :-

Create a new layer. Draw a line in between the shape with gray color using the pencil tool :-

Now, create a new layer again and draw this shape with pen tool :-

Apply these layer styles in it :-

Image after applying above layer styles :-

Now, draw this path :-

Adjust the nodes :-

Create a new layer of the path by pressing control+enter and fill the selection with #B1B1B1 color :-

Create a new layer and draw a white line :-

Reduce the opacity to 10-15%

Draw a block with rectangle tool at the right side of the shape :-

Draw this shape 

Apply bevel and emboss as shown :-

Our conceptual graphic combining the USB and pen is ready. 

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