Saturday 26 July 2014


Next time you are feeling adventurous in Cambodia, you should definitely check out A-Ping – a fried spider dish.

Unlike some of the other foods contained on our list, A-Ping was never considered a delicacy. Instead, it became a common dish during the 1960s, when the Khmer Rouge was raising havoc in Cambodia. During this time, there were massive food shortages, so people had to start getting creative in order to survive, and that's how A-Ping was created.

Nowadays, A-Ping is a popular street dish that costs next to nothing to enjoy. The typical A-Ping recipe involves tossing dead, specially picked spiders into an MSG, sugar and salt mixture. Then, the coated spiders are fried in garlic oil until crispy.

The taste of A-Ping has been described by many as being pretty bland, but with a complex and crispy outer coating. Extreme A-Ping lovers think that the best part is the abdomen, which contains a brown paste like substance containing excrement, spider eggs and organs. Gross!

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