Saturday 26 July 2014

Moshi, Tanzania

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There’s tons to do in this top adventure destination, like going on a safari near the Ngorongoro Crater (a hotbed for wildlife). Hiking Mount Kilimanjaro also sets the “thrill” bar high—like 19,341 feet high—but it takes days of serious hiking to get to the top (you’ll sleep in tents along the way).
Where to Stay
Located on the southern slopes of Kilimanjaro, the brightly colored Springlands Hotel is outfitted with African handicrafts and supports “green” tourism (from $72).
Head north from Serengeti National Park for comfy tents at the Ikoma Safari Camp (from $300) or go east to the Pongwe Beach Hotel in Zanzibar (from $160).
What to Do
Sign up for a tour with a company like 2Afrika (they’ll help plan your safari from bottom to top). En route to Serengeti National Park, stop at Lake Manyara in the scenic Rift Valley.
Check out the sand art colors of the Olduvai Gorge, a ravine in Great Rift Valley.
Visit the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Crater where you’ll see black rhinos and more.
Go to a Maasai manyatta (another word for “homestead”). These indigenous people are known for their tribal dress, including robes, beaded necklaces and walking sticks.
What to Bring
Outdoor gear. There aren’t any outdoor outfitters in Tanzania, so bring day packs, sleeping bags and lots of layers (you’ll need clothing for all four seasons). Shorts, sweaters and rain jackets are all essentials.

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