Saturday 26 July 2014

Rocky Mountain Oysters

Also known as calf fries, prairie oysters, cowboy caviar, and Montana tenderloins, this Western dish is definitely one of the strangest on our list.

What exactly is a Rocky Mountain oyster? Well, it isn't for the faint at heart. Rocky Mountain oysters are actually the testicles of a young bull, which are removed so that the bull will be less aggressive and grow meatier.

The testicles are removed during the calf branding process. After that, they are soaked in a bucket of water, then washed and peeled. From there, they're rolled in seasoned batter and fried.

Heard enough yet? It may be shocking to learn that this dish is considered a delicacy, and in parts of the American West and Western Canada where cattle ranching is prevalent, they throw testicle festivals where this famous dish is prepared in every way imaginable.

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