Wednesday 30 July 2014

The skydiver who fell 12,000 feet from the sky and lived

Michael Holmes was one of the top ten skydivers in the world with 7,000 jumps under his belt. This member of the British skydiving team was doing what he thought was another routine jump, 2.2 miles above Lake Taupo in New Zealand, when tragedy struck.

As shown in the video recorded by the camera in his helmet, when Homes tugs at the ripcord to release his parachute, nothing happens. Frantically realizing his parachute will not open, the skydiver attempts to release his reserve parachute with no luck. With dying now a very real possibility, Holmes waves goodbye to the world and screams a last message into the microphone of his camera. The video ends with the violent thud of the diver hitting the ground before the camera goes black.

You may think that the worst happened, but to his amazement – and ours – Michael Holmes only suffered a punctured lung and a broken ankle from this terrifying fall.

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