Tuesday 12 August 2014

Ants that eat through Electric Wiring

Houston, we have a problem - an ant problem! Billions of Rasberry Crazy ants are taking over Texas' largest city. These red-brown ants are extremely tough critters – they have been known to even go head to head with the dreaded fire ants!

Crazy ants spread at an alarmingly fast rate and seem to be much more interested in electrical equipment than food. They eat through any and every electrical device possible. And chew through insulation, causing short circuits and all sorts of havoc.

Tom Rasberry, the local exterminator credited with discovering these tiny insects, has seen cases in where he's been in houses and “where every time you took a step you'd literally be stepping on thousands of ants with each step.” There are so many in some areas of infested houses that it looks like the ground is moving. Rasberry also says that the ants invade so quickly that “in no time, a one-acre field can be covered with 15 to 20 billion ants.”

Even NASA's Houston Headquarters were victims of the crazy ant invasion. Told you that Houston had a problem!

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