Wednesday 13 August 2014

Internet troll who was arrested for stalking herself

On May 4th, 2013, Kent County, MI resident Cheryl Nelson was arrested for stalking herself. How does that work, you ask? It's quite simple:

Step 1: Create a fake Facebook account with some personal information about your ex.

Step 2: Use it to threaten yourself as your ex or their newfound love interest.

Step 3: Call the cops.

Only one problem with that scenario – cops don't just eat donuts all day. They do know a thing or two about Facebook which Nelson realized the hard way.

Police were well aware that Nelson made several complaints against her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend over the course of 1 year, between November 2011 – October 2012. Eventually, a search warrant was issued against Nelson after her ex-boyfriend told the police about her disturbing behavior. A full investigation revealed the truth – Cheryl Nelson was in fact stalking herself as she was not over the relationship.

Nelson is not the only person who has done this – there are way too many incidents of this sort of activity from all over the world, and we just can't cover them all!

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