Tuesday 12 August 2014

Yellow jackets that filled a car

In 2006, insect experts noticed that giant yellow jacket nests have been turning up in old barns, houses and other cavernous places all over southern Alabama.

Specialists said it could have been the result of a mild winter and drought conditions, or multiple queens forcing worker yellow jackets to enlarge their quarters so the queens could be in separate areas (a colony could have multiple queens).

Whatever the case may have been, the nests became super-sized. A nest was discovered coming out of the ground on a roadside near Pineapple, Alabama measuring 5 feet by 4 feet.

Entomologist Dr. Charles Ray at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in Auburn discovered a huge nest that filled the interior of a weathered 1955 Chevy parked in a local barn. A nest that started out the size of an automobile tire quickly spread to fill the entire vehicle, even spreading into the barn, about 300 yards away.

Beware of the yellow and black attack!

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