Wednesday 13 August 2014

Inmates escaped Prison

A Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services officer is facing disciplinary action after two inmates escaped from Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison while he was glued to social networking platform WhatsApp.

Prison Officer Guni will appear before a disciplinary panel in line with the ZPCS code of conduct. He was assigned to guard the five inmates while they worked at the prison farm just a week before they escaped and allegedly became engrossed in WhatsApp chats he forgot to keep an eye on them.

The inmates took this opportunity to pounce on him and strip him of his uniform before tying him to a tree. They also took his cellular phone and $10 from his wallet, threatening to kill him if he dared scream for help. One of them then reportedly wore the uniform to disguise himself as an officer guarding four inmates.

Since the beginning of 2014, 21 prisoners from Zimbabwe have escaped from correctional facilities countrywide due to negligence of guards.

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