Wednesday 6 August 2014

Poha (beaten rice)

Made from flattened rice which makes it an easy-to-cook, nutritious snack.

Poha (flattened rice) 2-3 cups
A pinch asafoetida
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1-2 green chillies (chopped small) (or according to desired level of heat – can leave out if you prefer)
1 onion (small dice)
1 potato (small dice)
1/2 cup peanuts or cashews
3/4 teaspoon turmeric
4-5 curry leaves
Salt to taste
1/2 cup fresh cilantro (chopped) for garnish
Fresh lemon (to squeeze at end)

> Soak the Poha for 5 minutes then drain in a colander.
>Heat oil in a pan. Season with asafoetida, then mustard seeds. As soon as they crackle, add diced onion and green chillies. Fry until translucent.
> Add diced potatoes and sauté until they are cooked. Add turmeric and curry leaves to hot oil once onions are done. Add nuts. Add Poha and salt and mix thoroughly. Cook for 3-4 minutes.
> Transfer to serving bowl and sprinkle with fresh chopped cilantro and lemon juice (or lime juice) before serving.

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