Wednesday 13 August 2014

War Tank Library

Activist-artist Raul Lemesoff's “Arma De Instruccion Masiva", or “Weapon of Mass Instruction,” may seem militant, but it's actually a peaceful mobile library.

The artwork/vehicle serves a very serious function; with around 900 books on the car's “shelves” at any given time, Lemesoff provides free reading materials to anyone inclined to pluck one from the collection. As he tours through Argentina's urban centers and rural communities alike, the artist views his work as a mission “to contribute to peace through literature.”

The distinctive structure at the center of “Weapon of Mass Instruction” is highly symbolic. The vehicle consists of a tank-inspired frame over a 1979 Ford Falcon — a vehicle which was popular with the armed forces of the military dictatorship at the time. Where the vehicle once brought military oppression, it now brings literature of all genres in a collection constantly replenished through private donations.

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