Wednesday 6 August 2014

Napoleon's chair Torn

Earlier in 2014, an employee of the Museum of Fine Arts could no longer resist the temptation of sitting where Napoleon Bonaparte's derriere once was, on his folding chair.

In what surely looked like a scene out of a classic slapstick film, the red leather that was part of the director's style chair tore when the employee sat in it and its wooden structure was also damaged.

The first emperor of France used the chair during several campaigns.

Have no fear, the chair has since been restored. As museum curator Philippe Costamagna explained, “The end result is that the chair has now been very well restored, which it previously had been, but less well.”

Here's an idea for the museum to recoup restoration costs: get the surveillance footage of the incident, put it on a loop, put a little “Yakety Sax” as the soundtrack and sell a DVD of it at the museum's gift shop!

The employee faced “a disciplinary hearing.” I'm sure the museum had a “Bonaparte” to pick with him.

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