Wednesday 13 August 2014

"Happy" parody on YouTube

Pharrell's Oscar winning tune "Happy" has become a massive nightmare for 6 Iranian fans. Ever since the video for the song was released, featuring random people dancing on the streets of Los Angeles, people all over the world have been making parodies of the clip. So, it was only a matter of time until a bunch of Iranian friends got together to make their own version, “Happy We Are from Tehran”

The video featured various Iranian teens (including women) dancing on the streets without covering their heads and wearing “provocative clothing." The video went viral and the kids were arrested for the "vulgar clip" by police who said they "hurt public chastity."

It was only after immense pressure from Pharrell, the Iranian people, the Iranian President and the entire world that these kids were finally released. So, the next time you happen to visit Iran, try not to be very happy. You could land yourself in jail if your happiness is too contagious.

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